Woman showing emotion by a window

Writing Emotion

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$49 USD
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Writing Emotion

Weaving Emotions Into Your Story

What do all great stories have in common? They make us feel. Which is why the ability to weave emotion into a story is so important. Indeed, no matter the genre, being able to effectively convey a range of emotion will draw your readers in from the very start and compel them to read on.

The 2-hour class, which was offered live on June 2, 2022, covered various aspects of weaving emotions into your story, including:

  • Active vs. passive emotion
  • How to effectively convey emotion (showing vs. telling)
  • Most common mistakes in how to convey emotion (and how to get it right)
  • Common challenges in writing emotions (and how to turn them into successes)
  • How to include emotion in your outline and synopsis
  • Tips and tricks to effectively convey emotion
  • The role of emotion in the query letter
  • The importance of emotional context in the first 10 pages (or How should I convey emotion?)

Writers of all categories and genres are invited to attend.

“I expected to get a few nuggets from a class as inexpensive as CeCe’s, and that’s great right? Sometimes just one golden tip can save you from a huge mistake or grant you tons of extra time. I was wrong. CeCe clearly does this for the love of authors, books and teaching. Each class contains a bag of nuggets and the rainbow to go with it. In all of her classes, I’ve learned more than some six weeks courses I’ve taken, all with high level concepts explained in a way beginning writers can understand and advanced writers can dive deeper into. CeCe gives her all to these classes, so plan to stay up late because she’ll stick with you until all is covered. You won’t’ regret access to this expert’s mind and you’ll enjoy her humbly adorable personality throughout.”

Harper W. Raleigh, NC
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