Writing Interiority Webinar

Writing Interiority

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Writing Interiority

Revealing Your Character’s Inner Life

What is the main difference between a book and a movie? It’s not that movies have elements such as special effects, actors, and soundtracks at their disposal. The biggest difference between a book and a movie is that books allow us to experience a character’s interiority — no other art form gives us such an intimate and in-depth view into another’s inner life. Which is why the ability to write a character’s interiority is a storyteller’s greatest asset. Indeed, no matter the genre, being able to effectively reveal a character’s inner life will draw your readers in from the very start and compel them to read on.

The 2-hour class, which was offered live on August, 18 2022, covered various aspects of weaving interiority into your story, including:

  • Foundations of interiority (and how it’s different from say emotions?)
  • Functions of interiority in a story;
  • Leveraging interiority into plot developments (tension, conflict, and reveals)
  • The relationship between interiority and various point-of-view
  • Striking the balance between interiority and mystery
  • Most common mistakes in writing interiority (and how to get it right)
  • Common challenges in writing interiority (and how to turn them into successes)
  • Tips and tricks to effectively convey interiority

Writers of all categories and genres are invited to attend.

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